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Polymer Microspheres


Polymer Microspheres

Polysciences supplies a full range of uniformly sized polymeric microspheres that support a variety of applications in the life sciences. Available in diameters ranging from 50nm to 200µm, products exhibit excellent size uniformity. With the goal of providing our customers with the highest quality microspheres in the world, we are committed to reproducible, scalable manufacturing, thorough quality assurance, and superior customer care.

Microsphere Features :

- Predominantly polystyrene-based, other base polymers are also offered.

- Available cross-linked for increased solvent, heat, and pressure resistance.

- Plain polymer for protein adsorption, or surface modified (COOH or NH2 ) for covalent ligand attachment.

- Available with impregnated visible or fluorescent dyes. See Technical Data Sheet (TDS) 808, Polybead® Dyed Microspheres, for a representative color palette, and TDS 745, Microsphere Excitation and Emission Spectra, for sample fluorescence spectra.

  • Available cross-linked for increased solvent, heat, and pressure resistance.

  • Available in diameters ranging from 0.05µm to 200µm.

  • Predominantly polystyrene-based, other base polymers are also offered.
     - Organic, inorganic, biodegradable, magnetic, fluorescent, dyed, specific antibody and general protein coated particles

  • Low CV(Coefficients of Variants) %
     - It differs from products, in case of NIST standard, CV% is 1% or less

Polybead® Microspheres

Product Name



0.05 - 20.0 µm

CV % : 3-15%

0.20 - 10.0 µm

Black, Blue, Violet, Red, Yellow

0.30 - 6.00 µm

Blue, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green

Product Name



0.05 - 90.0 µm

Yellow-Green, Polychromatic Red, Multifluorescent

0.05 - 10.0 µm

Bright Blue, Yellow-Green, Yellow-Orange, Europium(Eu) Chelate

Product Name



1.0 - 6.0 µm

High affinity, Specificity

2.0 µm

Covalent coupled polystyrene


CellKor Inc.   I   주식회사 쎌코

대표이사 : 한규형  I  사업자등록번호 : 850-86-00807

(08389) 서울특별시 구로구 디지털로26길 5, 에이스하이엔드타워 1차 208호

208, 5, Digital-ro 26-gil, Guro-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Tel. 02.6951.5302  I  Fax. 02.6951.5307  I





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